Gilson Gray Law Firm

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Gilson Gray  - you're local full service Law Firm in the heart of East Lothian. 

The local legal team covers a wide range of services from preparing a Will, to setting up a business, to chat through family matters, dealing with an employment query or settling a potential dispute.  Our specialised teams will be by your side every step of the way. 

Our property team is here to support you through buying, selling and renting your property. We provide our clients with an honest, straightforward, and results-driven approach using our local knowledge of the East Lothian market. 

And finally, our financial management team provides advice to individuals, trust and businesses. Our financial advisors work alongside our legal specialists ensuring a comprehensive and coordinated address of your affairs.

To get in touch, you can give us a call on 01620 893 481, visit the website or if you're in the area pop into our office at 33 Westgate, North Berwick.

Estate Agency – main contact:
Cheryl Edgar -

Family Law – main contact:
Shona Young -

Financial Management – main contact:
Sarah Hughes -